Mourners warned after robbery at Durban crematorium

18 January 2017 - 19:18
By Taschica Pillay

Mourners are being warned to be vigilant when paying their last respects following a robbery outside a Durban crematorium.

Armed suspects robbed a group of people of their cellphones‚ clothing and cash in the car park outside the Clare Estate Crematorium on Monday afternoon.

Police spokesman Colonel Thembeka Mbhele said: "A case of armed robbery is being investigated. This was an isolated incident‚ however‚ the SAPS is concerned about the safety of the citizens of this province‚" said Mbhele.

Community crime fighter and member of the Tactical Shooting Team‚ Rivaaj Ramdas‚ said the robbing of mourners has become a common occurrence‚ not only in Clare Estate‚ but also at the Kenilworth Cemetery.

Ramdas found out about the robbery on social media‚ minutes after it occurred and rushed to the scene.

"The victims were highly traumatised at the time and didn't give a proper description of the suspects. When I reached the victims and after being given a description I realise that I had seen the suspects walking on the M19 freeway‚ which runs alongside the crematorium car park.

“Criminals have learnt that it’s an easy conduit from there through the neighbouring golf course onto the M19‚" said Ramdas.

"There needs to be a proper fence around the golf course and the bush in the area cleaned‚" he said.

Ramdas also warned the public to be alert.

"When mourning a loved one you are grief stricken and you drop your guard. Mourners are vulnerable‚" said Ramdas.

TMG Digital/The Times