Matric pupils commit suicide

05 January 2018 - 15:48
By Nico Gous
Image: Simon Mathebula

Two matriculants have committed suicide‚ both in Mpumalanga.

TimesLIVE earlier reported that a matriculant in Schoemansdal had committed suicide at 8am after receiving an SMS stating that he had failed his national senior certificate.

In response‚ the Nkomazi local municipality said:

"We just received with shock and profound sadness the passing on of a learner from Schoemansdal (matriculant) who just committed suicide this morning after being informed that he did not make it. Our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends. We also appeal to parents to be vigilant and give proper counselling or refer these vulnerable children to social workers for professional help."

This appealed to parents “to be vigilant and give proper counselling or refer these vulnerable children to social workers for professional help.

“Our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends.”

Mpumalanga police spokesman Leonard Hlathi said the 19-year-old from Schoemansdal was found lying on the floor with an electric cord around his neck.

Hlathi has now reported that an 18-year-old in Waterval Boven also committed suicide. He used an electric iron cord‚ which was found dangling from the roof. The matriculant had passed the exams with a higher certificate‚ a basic pass.

All matriculants or anyone contemplating suicide‚ can call the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) at 0800 12 13 14 at any time of day or night. SADAG will call you back if you SMS them on 31393.

Childline also has toll-free counselling number - 0800 0 55 555‚ which is free from landlines and all cell networks‚ except Telkom Mobile.

SADAG spokesperson Janine Shamos previously told TimesLIVE that pupils should not see their matric results as a matter of life or death.

“Matric learners need to remember there are always options. There’s always something that can be done‚ even if it means rewriting a subject. Even if you failed the whole year‚ there are always options.”

Although suicide is very hard to predict‚ the organisation said that if someone has shown at least five of the symptoms listed below for about two weeks they might be contemplating suicide:

• Depressed mood;

• Change in sleeping patterns;

• Change in appetite or weight;

• Speaking or moving with unusual speed or slowness;

• Fatigue or loss of energy;

• Feelings of worthlessness‚ self-reproach or guilt; and

• Thoughts of death or suicide;

Additional factors that point to an increased risk for suicide in depressed individuals are: Extreme anxiety‚ agitation or enraged behaviour; excessive drug and/or alcohol use‚ a history of physical or emotional illness and feelings of hopelessness or desperation.