According to SA Express‚ the CAA finding relates‚ among others‚ to the safety management processes within the airline.
Poppy Khoza‚ the director of civil aviation‚ said the decision followed an audit of the SAA subsidiary and its maintenance organisation‚ which “uncovered severe cases of non-compliance that pose serious safety risks”.
“There were 17 findings‚ of which five are categorised as Level 1 findings in civil aviation terms‚” said a CAA statement.
“Passenger safety remains our top priority and our 24-year safety record reflects this. We are therefore working closely with the SACAA to address the issues highlighted by them‚’’ said Mokholo.
“SA Express promises to aid our travellers as much as possible and to keep them up to date with the latest information regarding their flight changes. Should customers experience any problems they can access the latest information on our website ( or visit the company’s social media pages‚ all under the handle of @Flysaexpress.”