Shack dweller's movement Abahlali baseMjondolo chalked up a victory against the eThekwini Municipality when the Durban High Court ordered on Monday that informal dwellers evicted from a "transit camp" outside the city‚ be allowed to return to their homes.
"On Friday‚ beginning at around 10am‚ the notorious security management unit illegally‚ brutally and violently evicted more than 40 families in the Barcelona 2 'transit camp'‚ in Lamontville. The eviction was carried out until 1am in the morning on Saturday. A number of people were wounded during the attack‚" said Abahlali in a statement.
"This morning Abahlali baseMjondolo went to court in defence of our members. We defeated the eThekwini Municipality in court.
"The movement has obtained a spoliation order to reinstate our members who have been illegally evicted by the municipality. The court ordered that those who were illegally evicted in Barcelona 2 must be reinstated‚ and that the municipality does not carry out any further evictions in the area‚" the statement read.