Twar! Fikile Mbalula and Herman Mashaba take shots over Alex protest

04 April 2019 - 12:55 By Cebelihle Bhengu
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ANC's head of elections Fikile Mbalula and Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba are blaming each other for the Alex protests in a fiery Twitter war.
ANC's head of elections Fikile Mbalula and Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba are blaming each other for the Alex protests in a fiery Twitter war.

ANC elections head Fikile Mbalula and Johannesburg's DA mayor Herman Mashaba did not back down when it came to taking shots at each other on social media over the protests in Alexandra. 

Service delivery protests in the township on Wednesday saw roads blocked, tyres burnt and a strong police presence as residents protested against a lack of government action.

Mbalula took to Twitter to slam Mashaba's apparent lack of "intervention" and not helping the people.

But Mashaba was having none of it and put the blame back at the door of the ANC.

Mashaba said the ruling party had done nothing to help those affected by poor service.

Both went on to retweet people who stood by their cause, soon thrusting them on to the trends list on Twitter.

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