Fuel prices up, South Africans up in arms again

29 April 2019 - 12:38 By Odwa Mjo
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Fuel prices are to increase this week.
Fuel prices are to increase this week.
Image: Eric Gaillard/Reuters

There's more frustration in store for South African motorists when fuel prices increase on Wednesday.

The department of energy said on Sunday the price of petrol will go up 54c a litre, attributing the increase to domestic and international factors.

The price of diesel with 0.05% sulphur will increase by 1c a litre. Paraffin will go up by 3c a litre (wholesale price) with the national retail price rising by 4c a litre.

In early April, the inland petrol price went up R1.34 a litre for 93 octane unleaded, and R1.31 for 95 unleaded. At the coast, 93 unleaded went up by R1.29 and 95 unleaded by R1.26. Diesel also went up 76c per litre at the coast and 81c inland.

Motorists took to social media after the latest price announcement, with some  contemplating other modes of transportation.

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