‘They left me for days with my dead baby inside me’

17 May 2019 - 07:00
Anche Maritz and her husband Waldo cling to a blue teddy bear they bought ahead of the birth of their son. Anche delivered her stillborn child prematurely last month, and claims hospital staff were dis-compassionate, refusing to let her hold his body.
Image: Alon Skuy Anche Maritz and her husband Waldo cling to a blue teddy bear they bought ahead of the birth of their son. Anche delivered her stillborn child prematurely last month, and claims hospital staff were dis-compassionate, refusing to let her hold his body.

For three days, Waldo Maritz lived on a wooden bench, reluctant to leave the Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital where his pregnant wife, Anche, went through a harrowing 72 hours to deliver their stillborn son.

“They just left me for days with my dead baby inside me,” she told Times Select.

And when the stillborn baby was finally delivered, she was not allowed to hold him.