Missing UCT student Uyinene Mrwetyana last seen collecting parcel, PI joins search

Missing UCT student Uyinene Mrwetyana's family has enlisted the services of private investigator Noel Pratten, who was tasked with searching for Meghan Cremer.
Cremer was found dead in Philippi, Cape Town, after going missing on August 3.
Pratten told TimesLIVE on Wednesday that the last time first-year film and media student Mrwetyana was seen was at Clareinch Post Office at lunchtime on Saturday.
“She was collecting a parcel. That is the last time she was officially seen,” he said.
Speaking on behalf of the family, he said they were “really strong people”.
“It's a shattering thing, but they are taking it very well under the circumstances,” he said.
He said 19-year-old Mrwetyana was a “top achiever” who had excelled academically.
“She's a top student, straight A's, very popular among her friends,” he said.
Pratten said he had received support from UCT students and friends, who had gone door-to-door with flyers and searched “the grimiest clubs and bars” for their missing friend.
“Enormous groups of kids from UCT are helping with this,” he said, adding that he was also being aided by good police work.
UCT spokesperson Elijah Moholola said the university would assist in the search in any way it could.
“UCT’s campus protection services (CPS) is working with the SAPS and other relevant authorities to ensure that the missing student is found. CPS has also put in place its own measures to trace Ms Mrwetyana.”
Mrwetyana attended top school Kingswood College in Makhanda (Grahamstown). The school has shared a missing person alert issued by the Pink Ladies Organisation, which helps trace missing people.
Police spokesperson Capt FC van Wyk said assistance from the public was being sought in the search.
Pratten asked anyone with information to contact him on 084 762 5913.