Panyaza Lesufi takes on AfriForum over school placements: 'Fight racism with non racialism'

Gauteng education MEC Panyaza Lesufi says AfriForum's call to have him replaced because of his role in the school placement fiasco was part of “racism”.
AfriForum on Thursday submitted a letter to Gauteng premier David Makhura demanding the dismissal of Lesufi, claiming a long history of mismanagement and the division of communities by the MEC.
TimesLIVE reported that the letter was one of the measures the lobby group had taken in its bid to have Lesufi removed as MEC, including an online petition calling for his dismissal.
Taking to social media, Lesufi said the lobby group was racist and he wouldn't partake in its “racism” fight.
Don’t fight racism with racism. Fight racism with non racialism. We are proud to build a truly non racial society that recognizes the need to care for the poor, weak and vulnerable at all times @afriforum @IRR_SouthAfrica
— Panyaza Lesufi (@Lesufi) November 21, 2019
In a series of tweets, Lesufi also accused “racists” of allegedly trying to harm and attack him.
“My only plea to racists please don’t harm my kids and my family, as for me you are free to do as you wish,” he added.
The day racists praise you, you must know the revolution is lost! My only plea to racists please don’t harm my kids and my family, as for me you are free to do as you wish.I know you attempted on various occasions to harm and attack me. I’m unsinkable ✊🏿#AfriforumFF+SolidarityIRR
— Panyaza Lesufi (@Lesufi) November 20, 2019
Lesufi said his “sin was to take care of all our children so that they can access quality education”.
The struggle continues ✊🏾our sin is to take care of all our children so that they can access quality education. All our schools belong to all our children.
— Panyaza Lesufi (@Lesufi) November 21, 2019
TimesLIVE reported that AfriForum’s campaign to remove Lesufi relates in part to the Gauteng department of education struggling to place more than 14,600 grade 1 and grade 8 pupils for the 2020 school year.
The lobby group said it had been flooded with requests from parents who had had enough of Lesufi’s mismanagement of the process.
It also accused Lesufi of constantly attacking schools that offered Afrikaans-only instruction.