Heartwarming snaps of doctors, nurses, soldiers and police pledging service to SA

This is what a united South Africa looks like

24 March 2020 - 07:21 By Jessica Levitt
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Critical South African personnel have united behind President Cyril Ramaphosa after his address to the nation on Monday night.
Critical South African personnel have united behind President Cyril Ramaphosa after his address to the nation on Monday night.

Images of doctors, nurses, military staff and police pledging to serve their commander-in-chief, President Cyril Ramaphosa, after he announced a national lockdown from midnight on Thursday have been widely circulated.

Ramaphosa addressed the nation on Monday night in what has been described as a “wartime speech” by many, as the country implements measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

“It is clear from the development of the disease in other countries and from our own modelling that immediate, swift and extraordinary action is required if we are to prevent a human catastrophe of enormous proportions in our country.”

The president applauded doctors and nurses for responding to the call of duty.

“On behalf of the nation, I would also like to thank the health workers, our doctors, nurses and paramedics who are on the front-line of the pandemic, our teachers, border officials, police and traffic officers, and all the other people who have been leading our response.”

Whether it's praise for those out in the field, families paying tribute to their loved ones or doctors, nurses and military personnel sharing selfies of themselves, these heartwarming snaps have gone viral. 

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