Pick n Pay and Spar install screens at tills amid Covid-19 concerns

Supermarkets Pick n Pay and Spar have rolled out Perspex screens to protect staff and customers from contracting the deadly coronavirus.
Pick n Pay on Thursday said the screens had been installed in more than 430 stores around the country.
“We have put a number of physical distancing measures in place in our stores to help keep staff and customers safe. Perspex screens are now being rolled out at all Pick n Pay till points countrywide. The transparent screens are mounted at the till and are situated between cashiers and customers.
“Other measures that Pick n Pay has introduced to promote physical distancing include floor markers in aisles, service areas and queues, and all customers are required to shop with a trolley so that safe distancing can be maintained at all times. There are clear signs throughout stores as guidelines and reminders,” the retail giant said.
Spar Glenwood manager Vanessa Naidoo told TimesLIVE that customers were impressed by the measures the Durban supermarket had taken.
“They were impressed that we were protecting the cashiers as well as the customers. The cashiers are pleased with the extra protection.”