Narcotics Anonymous opens midnight meetings to provide support to addicts

07 April 2020 - 18:27 By Nonkululeko Njilo
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Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is offering online sessions during the lockdown for addicts who want to stop using.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is offering online sessions during the lockdown for addicts who want to stop using.
Image: Supplied

Do you have a drug problem and a desire to stop using?

Narcotics Anonymous (NA), a fellowship of men and women recovering from addiction, may be able to assist you — even during the lockdown.

NA said on Tuesday it had launched two online midnight meetings for addicts and anyone who may feel they have a drug problem but who cannot afford to join earlier meetings due to data costs.

“NA has taken advantage of the fact that data costs are reduced or bundled for free from the networks between midnight to 5am. NA invites all persons who need support to please attend one of these meetings,” said the group in a statement.

The meetings have so far been well received, particularly by low-income communities across SA, where face-to-face meetings are no longer possible as a means to get support, said NA.

The two Zoom meetings, which each run for 12 minutes, have been scheduled as follows:

  • The NA Tuesday early morning online meeting starts at 00.12am and can be joined here; and
  • The Soweto Friday early morning meeting starts on Friday morning at 00.12am, and can be joined here.

NA said the meetings provided 12 steps of fellowship, 12 traditions and 12 concepts of  spiritual principles.

“These meetings were servicing far-lying areas and groups in the rest of Africa. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, Narcotics Anonymous have expanded their online meetings to offer nearly 100 online meetings every week,” it said.

“Many addicts from the USA, Australia, Europe and the rest of Africa attend these meetings as well. NA SA was one of the first in the world to roll out online meetings on scale to meet the lockdown challenges.” 

The group added that the only requirement to join the meetings is for one to have a desire to stop using.

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