IN QUOTES | Chilling testimony on Collins Khosa's death - 'He was choked & slammed against the wall'

The Constitutional Court will hear from the family of Alexandra man Collins Khosa as they seek to hold the state accountable for his death, allegedly at the hands of soldiers two weeks ago.
TimesLIVE reported that Khosa was attacked in his yard, allegedly by two female soldiers who accused him of breaking the rules of the lockdown after they saw an unattended camping chair and a “half-full cup of alcohol”.
The family sent a legal letter of demand to President Cyril Ramaphosa. They demanded financial compensation for loss of support, trauma, shock, psychological assistance and any medical expenses they may have incurred.
Radio 702 shared the affidavit from Khosa's partner, Nomsa Montsha, which reveals her version of events.
Here are some shocking revelations:
SANDF entrance
“I was at home with Mr Khosa, Mr Muvhango and his wife when two SANDF female members entered our home carrying sjamboks. The members met with Mr Muvhango outside the house, but inside the yard and asked him about the unattended camp chair and a half-full cup of alcohol in the yard.”
“They inquired about the camping chair and half-full cup [of] alcohol in the yard. Mr Khosa informed them that even if he had been drinking, that would not be an offence as it was inside his yard. The SANDF did not take kindly to Mr Khosa's response and they were agitated. It is at that point that they proceeded to raid the house.”
'Proving a point'
“They ordered Mr Khosa and Muvhango to follow them outside to the street as they wanted to prove a point. They damaged Mr Khosa's car which was parked inside the yard by smashing the metal gate against it. Mr Khosa protested the act of vandalism and this further agitated the SANDF.
“I asked them why they took the alcohol outside, creating an impression that they violated the regulations by drinking outside the yard.”
Painting a false picture
“Mr Khosa and Muvhango were made to stand outside the yard with two beers on the ground while members of the SANDF waited for backup. Shortly, a number of vehicles arrived from the SANDF and JMPD with armed personnel.
“Without making inquiries, the SANDF members manhandled and assaulted Mr Khosa by pouring beer on top of his head. One member held his hand behind his back while the others choked him and slammed him against the cement wall. They hit him with a butt of the machine gun. They kicked, slapped and punched him in his face, stomach and ribs.”
Khosa's last moments
“After they left I took him inside our house. He started vomiting, losing his speech and consciousness and his ability to walk. I rested him on the bed, sat on the side of the bed, trying to comfort him. About three hours after the SANDF members had left, while holding my hand, I noticed that he was not moving.
I called Mr Muvhango and his wife, who called emergency services. Upon their arrival, the emergency services declared Mr Khosa dead on arrival.”