Mutilated female body washes up on Durban beach

13 November 2020 - 08:06
By orrin singh AND Orrin Singh
Police divers from Durban Search & Rescue, along with Metro Police SAR, were called out to Cuttings Beach near the Mondi canal where the decomposed corpse of an unknown woman was found in the shorebreak on Thursday.
Image: SAPS Police divers from Durban Search & Rescue, along with Metro Police SAR, were called out to Cuttings Beach near the Mondi canal where the decomposed corpse of an unknown woman was found in the shorebreak on Thursday.

Durban forensic pathologists will need to determine whether a woman, whose severely decomposed body washed ashore on Thursday, had her hands, head and feet removed by unnatural means. 

The gruesome discovery of the headless corpse was made on Cuttings Beach in the Merebank area, south of Durban. 

According to police, the state of decomposition was too advanced to ascertain if the missing body parts had been removed by unnatural means.

An inquest docket is being investigated.

In an unrelated incident, police were called out to the N3, where dismembered remains of an unknown man were found scattered across a 1km stretch of the freeway. 

Members from Pietermaritzburg's Accident Combating Unit along with Durban & Pietermaritzburg SAPS Search and Rescue (SAR), Durban Metro Police SAR and KZN Road Traffic Inspectorate (RTI) attended to the scene near the Hammarsdale interchange.

According to reports, the torso and one separate leg were found along the concrete centre median, while crushed body parts and skull fragments were located on the left hand shoulder of the freeway.

A case of culpable homicide is being investigated by Hammarsdale SAPS.