More than 5-million new people applied for the R350 grant this time around

As the country continues to battle raging unemployment and the after-effects of riots in KZN and Gauteng, more than 5-million people who had not previously applied for the R350 special relief of distress grant applied when it reopened last month.
So far more than 12-million applications for the grant have been made, with channels to apply congested from the moment they opened in early August.
Fanie Sethokga, General Manager for Grants Operations at Sassa, told SAfm this week that more than 5-million people who had previously not applied had done so this time around.
“As of September 1, we had received 12.2-million applications. Of those 6.8-million are clients who previously applied for the grant. 5.4-million are clients who are new, we never had them on our database as applicants before.”
The grant was reintroduced to provide assistance to “persons in dire material need that are unable to meet their families’ most basic needs”, including those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and unrest in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.
Sethokga said by the end of August about 4.7-million applicants had been paid.
Application process for the special Covid-19 SRD grant @The_DSD @nda_rsa @PostofficeSa @GovernmentZA @GCISMedia #SASSACARES
— SASSA (@OfficialSASSA) August 25, 2021
Sassa told TimesLIVE that those who had recently lost their jobs, whether due to the unrest or just general economic hardships, may be able to apply for the grant.
It said those who are not collecting UIF and were still denied the grant could apply for reconsideration and Sassa would conduct a means test.
“Reconsideration applications will be further assessed by checking if there are funds of more than R595 flowing into the client’s bank account. An exception would be if the funds are from a Sassa child-related grant,” said the agency.
Appeals can be made on the SRD website.
“For declined applications, the client can submit a request for reconsideration through the website under the tab: application for reconsideration.”
In the last round of applications, Sassa directed all appeals to be sent to However, some users have complained that this option is not working for them.
Recipients can receive their grants at a post office or their banks.
If you are collecting your payment at a post office, here’s when you can collect your money this month:
September 14, 21 and 28.
September 15, 22 and 29.
September 16, 23 and 30.
September 10 and 17.
September 13, 20 and 27.
September 14, 21 and 28
September 15, 22 and 29.
September 15, 23 and 30.
September 10 and 17.
September 13, 20 and 27.