POLL | Is SA becoming a ‘constitutional dictatorship’, as claimed by Jacob Zuma?

Former president Jacob Zuma said on Monday history would vindicate his belief that SA is changing from a constitutional democracy to a constitutional dictatorship.
In a four-page open letter, Zuma said the public have been “hyponotised” by the anti-Zuma narrative, and accused the judiciary of bending and manipulating the laws on several occasions to target him.
The former president detailed three instances which he said proved his claims, including the establishment of the state capture inquiry and the refusal by deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself as the chair of the inquiry.
Zuma snubbed the inquiry several times and applied for Zondo’s recusal, claiming he needed to testify before an independent judge.
On Monday he said he was happy to testify at the inquiry on condition of Zondo’s removal.
“I would have welcomed the opportunity to lead evidence before an independent judge about why I felt judge Zondo was biased and conflicted in hearing my evidence at the inquiry,” said Zuma.
Zuma said fighting the cases against him is part of his pursuit for justice. He reflected on being a political prisoner for 10 years under the apartheid regime and his current sentence, saying he was imprisoned without trial.
“It is important to bear in mind that fighting these cases against me is part of the struggle to bring justice, dignity and respect for the black African. My life has come full circle in taking me from being a herd boy to worker, trade unionist, freedom fighter, volunteer, revolutionary and soldier of Umkhonto we Sizwe under the ANC.”
The letter comes after the Constitutional Court on Friday gave its verdict on the former president’s rescission application. Zuma had asked the apex court to overturn his 15-month jail sentence handed down in June after he failed to comply with the court’s order to appear before the state capture inquiry.
The former president was released on medical parole this month.