Father arrested for alleged rape of daughter groomed as 'sex slave'

24 August 2022 - 16:49
By Orrin Singh
A father was arrested in Eshowe for the alleged rape of his daughter groomed as a 'sex slave'.
Image: 123RF/albund A father was arrested in Eshowe for the alleged rape of his daughter groomed as a 'sex slave'.

A 48-year-old KwaZulu-Natal father has appeared in court on charges of rape and assault after he allegedly repeatedly raped his 17-year-old daughter, groomed her as a “sex slave” and assaulted and threatened to kill his wife if she told anyone.

Police stormed the Eshowe homestead in northern KwaZulu-Natal on Tuesday evening and arrested the father who had been evading police.

The mother and her children were moved to a shelter.

Police spokesperson Const Thenjiswa Ngcobo said the man appeared in the Inkanyezi magistrate’s court on Wednesday on charges of rape, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition.

“It is alleged that the suspect was also abusive to his wife and was charged with assault. The police found him in possession of two unlicensed firearms and 19 rounds of ammunition.”

KwaZulu-Natal social development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza lauded the team of detectives who arrested the man.

She said the mother had suffered humiliation and abuse while unable to escape the alleged perpetrator's brutality after he threatened to kill her if she raised concern about the abuse of her child.

“A team effort of stakeholders responsible for the arrest is recognised. We are pleased that there are people in our community who could not keep quiet, seeing the mother and children being abused.”

It was shocking to see the brutality displayed and continuous violation of the rights of the child.

“It is so immoral that the father can rape a child on a daily basis and do so in front of her mother. The assault on the mother and her other children showed that this man was evil and dangerous.”

Khoza appealed to the court to hand down a harsh sentence to the perpetrator.

“We are shocked by the extent of heartlessness shown by the perpetrator. It is so disturbing that a father can be so abusive to the family, raping his daughter and assaulting a boy child daily.”

The girl and her siblings will receive psychosocial support, trauma debriefing and trauma containment.


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