Department peeved by imminent switch-off at hospital for bill not owed by it

The Limpopo health department says its utilities bill with the municipality is up to date

13 March 2023 - 19:57
By Ernest Mabuza
The Limpopo health department says it will have discussions with the Polokwane municipality to ensure the municipality directs the rates and taxes bill to the correct department and not switch off water and electricity at Mankweng Hospital. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/HXDBZXY The Limpopo health department says it will have discussions with the Polokwane municipality to ensure the municipality directs the rates and taxes bill to the correct department and not switch off water and electricity at Mankweng Hospital. Stock photo.

The Limpopo health department has expressed concern that the provision of healthcare at some of its facilities will be affected after the Polokwane municipality said it would switch off water and electricity in government buildings due to outstanding rates and taxes.   

Department spokesperson Neil Shikwambana said it had become aware of a R53m rates and taxes bill for Mankweng Hospital that the municipality had wrongly directed to the health department. 

Shikwambana said by law, rates and taxes were the responsibility of the property owner, while the occupying departments took care of utility costs such as water and electricity.   

“The ownership of government property in this instance is in the hands of the department of agriculture, rural development and land reform and the department of public works. The department can confirm its utility cost account with the municipality is up to date,” Shikwambana said.   

The department had in the past engaged the municipality about sending rates and taxes bills to the relevant department.   

“The department will again initiate the engagements to ensure the municipality directs this bill to the correct department and not switch off at the hospital.

“The switching off of electricity at the hospital will have dire consequences that will be felt by the Limpopo health department and the innocent poor and vulnerable, and yet the health department does not have control over the payment of rates and taxes and/or this particular debt.” 


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