LISTEN | Massage parlour owner Gerhard Ackerman convicted of rape, sex trafficking

24 April 2023 - 13:30
By Phathu Luvhengo

A massage parlour owner whose clients would pay for massages with sexual experiences from underage masseuses was on Monday convicted in the Johannesburg high court on charges of rape, human trafficking and the unlawful possession, creation and distribution of child pornography.

Gerhard Ackerman was also found guilty of attempted murder for “selling” the sexual services of a youth to disgraced advocate Paul Kennedy, who he knew was HIV-positive.

Ackerman had tried to persuade the court that while he employed masseuses who provided clients with “happy endings” for R800-R900 a session, the youths were over the legal age of consent, and full intercourse was off the menu. He also said many of his workers had approached him, not the other way round. Several had disadvantaged or abusive backgrounds and needed to earn an income, he said.


Judge Ismail Mahomed found Ackerman was a blatant liar who contradicted himself throughout the trial.

He said Kennedy, who committed suicide soon after being arrested, had played a pivotal role in aiding Ackerman.

Mr Kennedy was a participant in this matter, he financed the transportation of some of the victims from their places of residence to Ackerman’s places.

“He was the only client where the boys went to his home.

“He also financially assisted Mr Ackerman with his day-to-day expenses.”

Kennedy had also commissioned Ackerman to get the boys filmed in graphic videos and paid for those videos. 

Mahomed said the court was duty-bound to talk about the role of the advocate so the victims get “closure so far as the role played by him in this entire dark episode”.

“That he took his life was tragic but not unexpected — as he brought shame to himself and the profession he represented. As an advocate, he realised that the game was up and he, therefore, committed suicide,” he said. 


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