Unregistered Zimbabwean 'dentist' arrested in Polokwane

08 June 2023 - 09:32
By Shonisani Tshikalange
A dental practitioner in Polokwane has been nabbed for practicing illegally. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Belchonok A dental practitioner in Polokwane has been nabbed for practicing illegally. Stock photo.

A dental practitioner in Polokwane has been arrested for practising illegally while not registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).

According to the HPCSA, the Zimbabwean man was found practising as a dentist at a medical facility owned by a registered medical practitioner.

He was arrested for contravening the Health Professions Act and detained by the Polokwane SAPS.

The man is due to appear in the Polokwane magistrate's court on Thursday.

His arrest followed a joint operation by the council's inspectorate and the Hawks.

The HPCSA said the arrest is due to continuous efforts to eradicate bogus and unregistered practitioners.

“Working with law enforcement agencies we will endeavour by care and diligence to do everything in our power to root out any form of practice by unregistered persons,” said HPCSA registrar Dr Magome Masike.

The HPCSA said the doctor who owns the medical practice the man was practising under will be reported to the complaints handling unit for unethical conduct for employing an unregistered person to practice as a locum.

Investigations revealed the man was employed by the doctor since September 2022. 


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