Coastal bathers warned of strong rip current with full moon

26 November 2023 - 11:15 By TIMES LIVE
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The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has issued a warning to coastal bathers of a spring tide rip current
The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has issued a warning to coastal bathers of a spring tide rip current
Image: 123/alexzaitsev

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has warned coastal bathers to be aware of dangerous swimming conditions arising from the peak of a full moon spring high tide on Sunday.

“It is expected between 2pm and 3pm and is of grave concern for coastal bathers around the South African coast on Sunday,” Craig Lambinon said.

The spring high tide peaks will be followed by spring low tide later in the afternoon, he said.

“NSRI, lifeguards the emergency services, police and municipal beach authorities are urgently appealing to bathers to be cautious of expected strong rip currents to prevail today, especially during the late afternoon, today Sunday, and for the next few days,” he said. 


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