Child, 5, born in Mauritius prison to SA mom to be repatriated

Mother was arrested for drug trafficking in Mauritius while she was pregnant

09 December 2024 - 07:45
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A child in the care of her mother in a prison in Mauritius will be repatriated this week to be in the care of her grandmother in North West. Stock image.
A child in the care of her mother in a prison in Mauritius will be repatriated this week to be in the care of her grandmother in North West. Stock image.

A delegation from the department of social development will leave for Mauritius on Monday to repatriate a five-year-old child whose mother is incarcerated in the country.

The mother was arrested for drug trafficking in May 2019 while pregnant. The child has been in prison under the care of her mother while waiting to be repatriated to SA, said social development spokesperson Bathembu Futshane.

“If the child is not repatriated to SA, she might be placed in the welfare system in Mauritius, which will not be in her best interest as it might complicate her chances of being returned to her family in SA,” Futshane said.

The department received a request from the department of international relations & cooperation in May to assist with tracing the woman's family and assessing the possible repatriation of the child.

The Children’s Act mandates that the department repatriates SA children who are distressed in foreign countries.

Futshane said after assessing the nominated grandmother, who was in North West, it was found she would be suitable to look after the child.

The department is expected to return with the child on Friday.

“On their return from Mauritius, the child will be placed in the care of the grandmother, who has agreed to look after the child until the mother is released.”

The department has repatriated 22 children who were distressed in foreign countries since 2015.

This is in line with the Children’s Act, which states a child needs to maintain a connection with their family or extended family, culture and traditions.


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