Jesus takes wheel, runs over motorcyclist

24 July 2014 - 12:33
By Times LIVE
The famous statue of Jesus in Sao Paolo was quickly photoshopped.
Image: Via Twitter The famous statue of Jesus in Sao Paolo was quickly photoshopped.

A 25-year-old woman in Indiana told authorities she had let God take the wheel of her vehicle, and it didn't end well.

‘She was driving and out of nowhere God told her that he would take it from here and she let go of the wheel and let him take it,’ police claim the driver, Prionda Hill told them according to the Daily Mail.

God, a figure noted more for his ability to source booze on short notice than possessing a driver's license, then swerved straight into motorcyclist Anthony Oliveri, 47.

‘I was inches from that bumper and I just said to myself today is the day I die,’ Oliveri told reporters. ‘I just shut my eyes and said if this is the way that God wants to do it then I guess that this is the way we’re going to do it.’

Fortunately Oliveri survived the incident with a few broken ribs and minor injuries like road rash - as the vehicle ran over his torso rather than his head.

Hill meanwhile is being charged with failing to stop an accident, criminal recklessness and two counts of criminal mischief.

Which is to say this song... a really bad idea.