Porn star claims she was threatened to keep silent on Trump

26 March 2018 - 07:01
By Jessica Levitt
Adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, poses for pictures at the end of her striptease show in Gossip Gentleman club in Long Island, New York, U.S.
Image: REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz Adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, poses for pictures at the end of her striptease show in Gossip Gentleman club in Long Island, New York, U.S.

A porn star who claims to have had sex with Donald Trump before he became US president has broken her silence, detailing how she allegedly spanked Trump with a magazine and was later allegedly threatened to keep quiet about the incident.

She was speaking to Anderson Cooper during an interview on 60 Minutes and said there was a deal struck before the 2016 presidential election to keep mum on the incident. Stormy Daniels said she was risking a fine by speaking out but she was doing it "because it was important to me to be able to defend myself."

Daniels told Cooper she was threatened while in a parking lot with her young daughter when an unknown man approached her car.

"And a guy walked up on me and said to me, 'Leave Trump alone. Forget the story.' And then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, 'That’s a beautiful little girl. It'd be a shame if something happened to her mom.' And then he was gone."

The White House has denied the affair and officials did not respond to questions after the interview was aired, reports CNN.

Daniels claims the incident happened in 2006 and that she spanked Trump with a magazine after he showed her the publication with his face on the cover.

"And I was like, 'Someone should take that magazine and spank you with it.' I don't think anyone's ever spoken to him like that, especially, you know, a young woman who looked like me. And I said, you know, 'Give me that,' and I just remember him going, 'You wouldn't.' 'Hand it over.' And so he did, and I was like, 'turn around, drop 'em.' So he turned around and pulled his pants down a little, you know, had underwear on and stuff...and I just gave him a couple swats," she said.

Daniels would not say whether she had proof of the incident and insisted it was a one time thing.