Working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic has led to another embarrassing moment during a live interview.
TV host Fabio Porchat was interviewing former Brazilian presidential candidate Guilherme Boulos for his miniseries 'Politics Live' on Instagram. The interview took an awkward turn when Porchat's naked wife walks past the camera.
As the two men were talking the presenter's wife Nataly tries to sneak across the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around her head having come from the shower, according to a report by The Mirror.
Boulos immediately starts laughing and says, “Somebody's walking past naked.”
Porchat then reportedly tells his wife that “everybody saw you” and she replies: “Could you see!?”
It's not the first time a live interview has been interrupted by a family member. Earlier this month, the UK's Dr Clare Wenham gained fame on social media after her four-year-old daughter, Scarlett, interrupted her during a live interview with the BBC.