EFF 'protest movement' launched, nationalisation without compensation core

11 July 2013 - 16:10
By Sapa
Julius Malema. File photo.
Image: Gallo Images / Sowetan / Elijar Mushiana Julius Malema. File photo.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a protest movement, its leader Julius Malema said at its launch on Thursday.

The EFF was different to other African National Congress breakaway parties, the expelled ANC Youth League president said at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg.

"We are not like Agang [SA] and all of them... We have a completely different plan."

This plan included the non-negotiable principles of land expropriation and nationalisation of mines, both without compensation.

The EFF sought to move away from a discourse of reconciliation to one of justice, Malema said. The EFF would hold a conference in Soweto on July 26 and 27 to work out its policies and manifesto.

"[The EFF is] the people's organisation, inspired by people's suffering on the ground."

It would embrace an "anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist ideology", and aspired to non-racialism and non-sexism. While white capitalist monopoly was an enemy of the EFF, Malema said "no one is going to be driven into the sea".

"You are going to be forced to share."

He warned South Africans to prepare for the sacrifices that would come with the EFF's envisaged revolution.

"There will be a day [when] we will wake up without bread on the shelves. We will learn to make our own bread."

Zimbabwe had been ready to "take the pain" associated with revolution, Malema said.