Profile of the Minister of Finance‚ Pravin Gordhan
Newly reappointed Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan is a former pharmacist with an anti-apartheid struggle record dating back to the 1960s‚ as well as doctorates in both law and commerce Here are highlights from his CV:Full Name: Pravin Jamandas GordhanPersonal Date of Birth: 12 April 1949 Marital status: Married with 2 childrenPositionsMember of Parliament from 1994 until 1998Chairperson of the Constitutional Committee in Parliament from 1996Deputy Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service from March 1998Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service from November 1999Minister of Finance of the Republic of South Africa from 11 May 2009 to 23 May 2014Minister of Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs from 23 May 2014 to 13 December 2015Academic Qualifications Bachelor of Pharmacy from the University of Durban Westville (1973)Career/Positions/Memberships/Other ActivitiesBecame involved in politics during the late 1960sOrganised and led the student movement and civic structures during the 1970s and 1980sTook part in the Natal Indian Congress call to boycott elections in the 1980sDetained three times by the apartheid governmentSpent four years in the underground structuresWas also involved in the South African Communist Party (SACP) and African National Congress (ANC) Worked as a pharmacist at the King Edward VII hospital in Durban until he was expelled after his detention by the police.(1974 – 1981) Participated in the in multi-party talks at the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA).(1990) Co-chairperson of the Transitional Executive Council which prepared the country for the 1994 elections.(1991 – 1994) Played a role in drafting the White Paper on Local Government which laid the foundation for developing local government authorities Chairperson of the Constitutional Committee in Parliament‚ which had oversight over the implementation of the new constitution‚ adopted in 1996Chairperson of the World Customs Organization (WCO) until July 2006Chairperson of the Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) within the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) from 2008Awards/Presentations/BursariesDoctorate of Commerce honoris causa from University of South Africa (May 2007)Doctorate of Law honoris causa from the University of Cape Town (June 2007)DTech: Business Administration from the Free State Central University of Technology (March 2009)Source: National Treasury/TMG Digital..
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