"If one wins let us not take the other one away. Let us make the other a deputy‚" Zuma said to some howling. His proposals did not immediately receive the nod from delegates but Zuma said this was the only solution to kill factionalism and slate politics in the party.
Zuma used his closing address to support a proposal that the ANC's constitution be amended so that there are two deputy presidents of the party.
Zuma's suggestion was not supported by the ANC in KZN and was a proposal made by the ANC in the North West.
"If needs be I can go province by province to motivate this‚" he said. Zuma argued that factionalism in the ANC was so rife that "it seems like two organisations in one".
"Winner takes all is not good for the organisation. It is not good for the individuals. It is encouraging tensions in the organisation‚" he said.