Twitter pokes fun at Guptas' unhappy Valentine's Day

The Gupta family is not having a happy Valentine's Day, and the Hawks swooped on their Saxonwold home in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
The family has long been linked to accusations of state capture, with their close ties to President Jacob Zuma drawing attention.
The response on Twitter to the family's less than lovely day was swift and brutal. Here are some of the funniest tweets.
Looks like the #ZumaRecall will “recall” even the network of #Zuma’s corrupt cronies.
— Sihle Ngobese (@SihleDLK) February 14, 2018
The #Gupta brothers woke up in #Saxonwold to find the #Hawks looking through their bedroom window, like...
Now that's something you don't see everyday
— Scribbly G (@Scribbly_G) February 14, 2018
#Gupta #Hawks #badphotoshops
#Guptas #Hawks looking for the #Zuptagang
— Sunshine (@I_am_said_I) February 14, 2018
Roses are red
— Ranjeni Munusamy (@RanjeniM) February 14, 2018
Msholozi is blue
The Guptas are in kak
And maybe also Dudu
Who did this? #Gupta
— Given (@Kamoh_RSA) February 14, 2018
There's a new sheriff in town
— Xolanii Mathumba (@Sir_Xolanii) February 14, 2018
- Changed The Eskom Board
- Hawks Free State Vrede Farm Investigation
- Jacob Zuma Presidential Recall
- Hawks Raiding The Gupta Residence at Saxonwold
Guys has anyone seen Brian Molefe? I hope he was not at the Saxonworld shebeen during the #Hawks raid
— Faku oyifakayo (@BaffieB) February 14, 2018
Warrants are read, Police lights are blue. Today is the day, The Hawks are coming for you. #Gupta #ValentinesDay #Guptas
— Alex Goldberg (@TrollusMaximus) February 14, 2018
Happy #ValentinesDay to the #Gupta family from the #Hawks. 😘
— Derick Watts & T.S.B (@derickwatts) February 14, 2018
Has anyone seen Duduzane Zuma. #Hawks #Gupta
— sihle (@eskzul) February 14, 2018
The Hawks raid on the Gupta compound in Saxonwold not going to plan. #ZumaRecall
— Daryl (@Burgerboxx) February 14, 2018
Where is the #BLF right now 😂 😂 😂 #Guptas #Gupta #saxonwold ukuphapha mara
— #ScottyLloyd (@_Scottylloyd_) February 14, 2018
ANN7 is probably reporting that the Gupta brothers have invited the hawks over for a valentine breakfast.#ZumaRecall
— DarKing ✊ (@DarkAndKing) February 14, 2018
Everyone in Saxonwold right now. #GuptaRaid
— I'm smarter than you're (@qornea) February 14, 2018
Pres Zuma trying to check and see how far are the #Hawks to his home. No more giggles 'Hahahaha' anymore. #ZumaRecall #zumaexit #ANCNEC
— Viwe Mqushulu (@visual_mqushulu) February 14, 2018
After it was announced that #Gupta home was raided and that many more raids and arrests will happen. ANC members in their homes and computers be like...#Hawks #SaxonWorld #Zuma
— Sphelele F F Ngcobo (@SpheleleFreeman) February 14, 2018
Wow like 5 years later?? The Hawks might as well had called the Gupta compound and informed them on when they were planning the raid. *yawns* #TheHawks
— Bongani Mtshali (@BlakBobo) February 14, 2018
Share price of ACME Paper Shredders Inc. #Saxonwold #ZumaRecalled #Guptas
— Tom Eaton (@TomEatonSA) February 14, 2018
— thabang (@thabangma1) February 14, 2018
Journalist like this at Zuma residence & Saxonworld