Nathi Mthethwa confronted by angry community in East London
ANC National Executive Committee member Nathi Mthethwa was on the receiving end of the wrath of angry Scenary Park community members during his door-to-door campaign for voter registration on Saturday.
The visit to the East London township is part of the ANC's Thuma Mina campaign to assess progress of its deployees in government in the Eastern Cape.
Scenary Park resident Nolwandle Ulana fired the first salvo telling Mthethwa that ward 10 councillor Nicky Witbooi was failing the community.
"We voted for her to be in that position. Now she is only catering for her friends and busy with ANC factional battles not service delivery," said a visibly angry Ulana.
Most of the residents told Mthethwa of the plight of not having proper houses, electricity and access to water among others.
Other NEC members on the campaign trail include Bongani Bhongo, Collen Maine, Pemmy Majodina, Hlengiwe Mkhize, Jeff Radebe and Susan Shabangu.
President of the country and the party Cyril Ramaphosa and other senior party leaders are expected to touch down in the Buffalo City Metro on Sunday morning, while others will be conducting similar campaigns elsewhere across the province.
- DispatchLIVE