Bombshell witness breaks open Bosasa bribe bonanza

17 January 2019 - 06:09
By Ranjeni Munusamy
Top boss of corruption-accused facilities management company Bosasa, Angelo Agrizzi prepares to give testimony, 16 January 2018, at the Commission into State Capture in Parktown, Johannesburg.
Image: Alaister Russell/The Sunday Times Top boss of corruption-accused facilities management company Bosasa, Angelo Agrizzi prepares to give testimony, 16 January 2018, at the Commission into State Capture in Parktown, Johannesburg.

The Zondo commission resumed public hearings for 2019 in spectacular fashion.

A surprise witness blew open an elaborate corruption ecosystem involving controversial facilities management company Bosasa and a number of high-profile individuals, including politicians, union leaders and government officials.

He told how Bosasa spent between R4m and R6m a month in cash on bribes to grease the palms of those who facilitated their dodgy contracts.