WATCH LIVE | State capture inquiry: Robert McBride continues testimony

Judge Zondo to rule on bid to cross-examine Pravin Gordhan

16 April 2019 - 08:08
By TimesLIVE

Former Ipid boss Robert McBride is set to continue his testimony at the state capture inquiry on Tuesday.

Testifying at the Zondo commission on Monday, McBride alleged that internal statistics at the institution were manipulated during his suspension between 2015 and 2016. He said that upon his return to Ipid in October 2016, he found that a number of cases had been closed - to give the illusion that the institution's performance had improved.

On Tuesday, deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo is also set to rule on former Sars commissioner Tom Moyane's bid to cross-examine public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan.