IN QUOTES | Thoko Didiza on Covid-19 relief funding for farmers: stop panic buying
Agriculture, land, reform and rural development minister Thoko Didiza on Monday briefed the media about the government's plan to provide funding for farmers amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Didiza said food production was proceeding smoothly, but warned against panic buying as it would lead to price increases.
She said the current funding measures were aimed at securing food for the next six months, and would not be extended to farmers who were due for production in the summer of 2020.
Here's a summary of her address in six telling quotes:
Food is being produced
“In the midst of the pandemic, agricultural production continues to ensure food security for the country. Food is being produced at farm level and deliveries are being made to wholesale retailers, fresh produce markets and other critical distribution points.”
No need for panic buying
“There is no need for panic buying as doing so only serves to create shortages in the food supply chain and, unfortunately, in some instances this may result in unnecessary food price increases. We urge people to buy what is necessary at particular times and not to hoard stuff they don’t need immediately.”
Relief funding
“Of the R1.2bn the department has allocated, R400m will go to farmers with the proactive land-acquisition strategy and the remainder will be channelled towards all the farmers in poultry, vegetables and fruits, some of which are being harvested currently and require last spraying. We will also support other livestock with feed and medication to ensure we maintain our animal health.”
Qualifying criteria
“All those who apply must be South African citizens who have been actively farming for a minimum of 12 months. Farmers who are in production must be registered on a farmer register or in any of the provincial data bases that are with their farmers' organisations.”
“We will target at least 50% of women in those who would have applied, 40% youth and people with disabilities at 6%.”
An intervention
“This intervention is excluding mechanisation, infrastructure and other overhead costs. This is not a comprehensive support but an intervention with regards to the challenge the country is facing. Farmers going into production in summer 2020 will not be supported because they are not producing immediately.”