Zondo commission to lay criminal complaint against Dudu Myeni

State capture inquiry chairperson, deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo, has instructed the commission's legal team to assist the commission secretary to lay a criminal charge against former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni.
This after Myeni, during her testimony at the commission recently, unmasked a witness who had been granted anonymity by Zondo.
In a defiant display at the state capture inquiry on November 5 2020, former SAA board chairperson Dudu Myeni revealed the name of a protected witness directly after deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo warned her to keep his identity concealed. On November 27, Zondo instructed the commission's legal team to assist in laying a criminal charge against former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni.
Zondo said he had looked into the affidavit of Myeni explaining her conduct and was not convinced.
“I have instructed the legal team to assist the secretary to prepare the documentation necessary so that the secretary of the commission can lay a criminal complaint against Ms Dudu Myeni,” said Zondo at the start of the hearing on Friday.
“And for the police to investigate possible contravention of either sections 5 of the Commission's Act or regulation 9 of the regulations of the Commission and that process will be taken forward urgently.”