WATCH | MK vets will form 'human shield' around Zuma, says Carl Niehaus

The Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) press briefing at the entrance of former president Jacob Zuma’s home degenerated into chaos and was stopped prematurely on July 2 2021 after supporters intimidated members of the media.
The Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) press briefing at the entrance of former president Jacob Zuma’s home degenerated into chaos and was stopped prematurely on Friday after supporters intimidated members of the media.
This was after a speech by MKMVA spokesperson Carl Niehaus, who announced that they would form a human shield around Zuma to prevent him from being arrested after being sentenced to 15 months in jail by the Constitutional Court.
Zuma’s supporters gathered outside his home lost their cool when a question was posed to Niehaus about the gathering being in breach of the Covid-19 lockdown regulations, which ban public gatherings.
The briefing was brought to a halt after media personnel elected to withdraw in protest of the intimidation by the unruly crowd.
Before this, Niehaus threatened that Zuma’s arrest may lead to bloodshed and violence.
The MKMVA, Niehaus said, was prepared to form a human shield around the embattled Zuma to stand in the way of law enforcement.
He took a swipe at the ANC national executive committee as well as the country’s judiciary, placing the blame at their door for Zuma’s woes.
“Our comrades of MKMVA will form a human shield to protect President Zuma. We do not want President Zuma to go to jail,” said Niehaus
“We have warned that if President Zuma is going to be imprisoned that there will be instability and unrest in SA. If President Zuma continues to be targeted and sent to prison, our country will be torn apart and violence will be inevitable because of this. We have warned that the consequences of imprisoning Zuma will be dire for our nation.”
Niehaus said the MKMVA would not be obstructing justice and law enforcement when it forms a human shield to “support and protect” Zuma.
“There is nothing illegal about forming a human shield and there is nothing illegal about being present at the home of President Zuma to show support and protect him.
“There is also nothing illegal about anyone of us who is present here to use their right to freedom of speech and express their fundamental opposition about President Zuma being arrested,” he said.