UPDATED: President Cyril Ramaphosa names Sputla Ramokgopa as minister of electricity

Ramaphosa finally made the long awaited changes to his cabinet on Monday night

06 March 2023 - 20:58 By TIMES LIVE
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President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday night announced former Tshwane mayor Kgosientso Sputla Ramokgopa as the minister of electricity.

Ramaphosa also announced ANC deputy president Paul Mashatile as deputy president of the country.

Ramokgopa was a senior official in the presidency in charge of infrastructure projects. The announcement brought to an end speculation who would occupy the newly created post to deal with the electricity crisis.

Ramaphosa said Ramokgopa's task would to "significantly reduce the severity and frequency ofload shedding as a matter of urgency".

"To effectively oversee the electricity crisis response, the appointed Minister will have politicalresponsibility, authority and control over all critical aspects of the Energy Action Plan.

"This will help to deal with the challenge of fragmentation of responsibility across variousdepartments and Ministers which, while appropriate under normal circumstances, is notconducive to a crisis response. The Minister will be expected to facilitate the coordination of the numerous departments andentities involved in the crisis response, work with the Eskom leadership to turn around theperformance of existing power stations, and accelerate the procurement of new generationcapacity."

Ramaphosa revealed that he had transferred certain powers to Ramokgopa to enable him to do his job. Ramokgopa would be able issue instruction in which critical facilities should be excluded from loadshedding where possible. He would also be empowered to issue instructions for Eskom "expedite various regulatory processes for energy projects" and ensure the power utility undertakes mantanance quickly.

"The Minister in the Presidency for Electricity will remain in office only for as long as it isnecessary to resolve the electricity crisis," said Ramaphosa.

IN FULL | Newly appointed cabinet ministers


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