ActionSA vows to reject no-confidence motion against DA mayor Tania Campbell to 'keep EFF/ANC out'

30 March 2023 - 13:04
By Sisanda Mbolekwa
Mayor Tania Campbell will receive the support of ActionSA in the no-confidence motion, despite the party having left the DA-led coalition, to 'keep out the ANC/EFF'.
Image: SUPPLIED Mayor Tania Campbell will receive the support of ActionSA in the no-confidence motion, despite the party having left the DA-led coalition, to 'keep out the ANC/EFF'.

ActionSA's Ekurhuleni caucus on Thursday vowed to reject the motion of no confidence in DA mayor Tania Campbell despite having left the DA-led multiparty coalition.

The party abandoned the coalition in November last year due to concerns that service delivery has deteriorated under Campbell's watch and a stable majority in the coalition could not be formed.

ActionSA will support Campbell in line with the party's commitment to keep the ANC and EFF coalition out of power.

“We also want to avoid the installation of one-seat party mayors who serve at the behest of the ANC and EFF, as seen in Johannesburg,” said Gauteng chairperson Funzi Ngobeni.

When the party left the coalition it promised to become a constructive opposition in the council.

“We also committed to continue voting for a DA candidate in a bid to keep the ANC out of power,” said Ngobeni.

The party remains concerned about the DA-led coalition and Campbell's inability to improve service delivery.

“However, we believe things would be considerably worse under an ANC-EFF coalition,” said Ngobeni.


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