IEC continues online voter registrations

20 November 2023 - 17:41
The IEC will continue online voter registrations.
Image: ALAN EASON The IEC will continue online voter registrations.

People who were not able to register at the weekend to vote in the 2024 national and provincial elections can still register online on the Electoral Commission of South Africa's (IEC) website.

On Monday, the commission reported about 2.7-million people registered at voting stations at the weekend. The IEC experienced technical glitches, with some online registrations and some of its stations closed due to service delivery protests.

The IEC will resolve online registrations that gave a “pending” message.

“The ‘pending’ message is received by voters in instances where the ID image they uploaded cannot be read or recognised by the system or where an image other than an ID has been uploaded. We urge voters to take care and follow system prompts when uploading images of their ID.”

Those who missed the weekend registration still have the opportunity to make it onto the voters' roll. 

“The online registration portal remains available and citizens are urged to use this platform to update their particulars and register to vote. We urge those whose applications were not concluded on the system to finalise them,” IEC said.