Small glitches hit Sunridge Park voting station in Gqeberha

29 May 2024 - 14:22 By Riaan Marais
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Voting at Stella Londt Drive, Sunridge Park, got off to a slow start
Voting at Stella Londt Drive, Sunridge Park, got off to a slow start

IEC officials at Stella Londt Drive in Sunridge Park, Gqeberha, said the station experienced intermittent technical difficulties throughout Wednesday morning but they have done their best to keep the lines moving.

The station’s presiding officer, Nokulunga Ngamlana, said the tablets they used lost connection to the online voting system for short periods.

“However, those people have the names on a printed list as well, so when the system drops they continue manually.

“It’s not ideal, but we are doing what we can to keep things flowing as much as possible,” she said.

Despite the delays, most people waiting in the long line seemed in high spirits.

Toni Meyer, 34, said she had planned for a long wait, so she brought enough snacks for her children who were playing with others in the park.

Mark Esterhuizen, 48, said he was willing to do whatever it took to make his mark.

“This is our one chance to have a say in our country’s government. I think that’s worth the wait,” he said.

Karel Jonker, 26, however, was less impressed with the wait.

“We have been here since 7am and it feels like we have barely moved.

“These officials need to get their systems checked before voting day. Now we have to wait here like fools,” Jonker said.


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