EXPLAINER | How the National Assembly first sitting will unfold

14 June 2024 - 09:57 By TimesLIVE
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Friday is the first sitting of the National Assembly. Parliament legal adviser advocate Zuraya Adhikarie said MPs who fail to show up for the first sitting will be 'in breach of their constitutional duty'.
Friday is the first sitting of the National Assembly. Parliament legal adviser advocate Zuraya Adhikarie said MPs who fail to show up for the first sitting will be 'in breach of their constitutional duty'.
Image: Anton Scholtz

Friday is the first sitting of the National Assembly (NA) as determined by chief justice Raymond Zondo. The first sitting is a formal sitting where designated members are sworn in and where the presiding officers are elected to constitute the NA.

The first sitting of the National Council of Provinces is scheduled for Saturday at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

The NA is elected to represent the people and to ensure government by the people under the constitution. It does this by choosing the president, providing a national forum for public debate of important issues, passing laws and overseeing the executive.

During Friday's sitting, Zondo will preside over the swearing in of designated MPs, who  will then nominate candidates for the position of speaker.


  • Zondo calls for the nomination of candidates for election as speaker of the NA and will announce the names of the person(s) nominated;
  • If only one valid nomination is received, Zondo declares the candidate elected;
  • If more than one valid nomination is received, a vote is taken by secret ballot and proceedings are suspended until the results can be announced;
  • After the announcement of the elected candidate, the speaker takes the chair, expresses his or her sense of the honour conferred upon him or her and presides over the election of the deputy speaker.


  • The speaker calls for the nomination of candidates;
  • The speaker announces the name(s) of the person(s) duly nominated;
  • If only one valid nomination is received, the speaker declares the candidate elected;
  • If more than one valid nomination is received, members will vote by secret ballot and proceedings are suspended until the results of the voting can be made known;
  • After the announcement of the elected candidate, the deputy speaker expresses his or her sense of the honour conferred upon him or her;
  • The proceedings will be suspended until 2pm. When the House resumes, the election of the president will get under way.


  • • The speaker takes the chair and invites Zondo to preside;
  • Zondo calls on MPs to nominate candidates for election as president;
  • Zondo announces the name(s) of the person(s) duly nominated;
  • If only one valid nomination is received, Zondo declares the candidate elected;
  • If more than one valid nomination is received, a vote is taken by secret ballot and proceedings are suspended until the results can be announced;
  • The speaker then takes the chair and invites parties and the president-elect to address the House;
  • The speaker adjourns the House.


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