ANC Youth League urges Ramaphosa to include young people in cabinet

20 June 2024 - 14:05
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ANC Youth League leader Collen Malatji. File photo.
ANC Youth League leader Collen Malatji. File photo.
Image: ANCYL Media/Twitter

The ANC Youth League (ANCYL) has urged President Cyril Ramaphosa to appoint young people in his new cabinet. 

ANCYL leader Collen Malatji told a media briefing on Thursday the president ought to rope in young people as ministers and deputy ministers.

“We have seen the inclusion of about 20 young people under the age of 35 as MPs, with a significant number under the age of 40 or 50,” he said.

“This is a positive step towards ensuring our leadership reflects the demographics of society, where the youth form a substantial part.”

Fourteen of the party's national executive committee (NEC) members have made it to the National Assembly, with others serving in provincial legislatures.

“Though we have not yet reached all our targets, these outcomes provide hope that our leadership will increasingly mirror the youthful and dynamic nature of society,” he said.

As the government of national unity (GNU) inches towards its final formation, Malatji said the ANCYL will not compromise on policies critical to advancing the national democratic revolution (NDR).

“Policies that contradict the principles of the NDR, such as the proposal to reform NSFAS into a tiered bursary and loan system, will not happen under our watch.

“The fight for democracy in South Africa was long and difficult, marked by immense sacrifices and struggles. We will not allow any regression or the implementation of policies that undermine the hard-won gains of our democracy.”

Despite the DA having joined the GNU, he said the commitment to progressive policies must remain unwavering.

“The GNU must focus on issues critical to the youth, such as unemployment, higher education, crime and drug abuse and ensure inclusive economic growth and effective service delivery are prioritised for all South Africans.”


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