Know more to do more: SebenzaLIVE helps SA’s youth find work
Here's what you'll find on TimesLIVE's brand-new offering

PLEASE NOTE: Visit SebenzaLIVE at its new home on SowetanLIVE.
An increasing number of qualified youths are looking for jobs in South Africa but have no luck finding any because of their lack of confidence or experience, or because they do not know where to find the right business opportunities.
SebenzaLIVE, is all about giving these youths a career kick-start by helping them present themselves better and achieve their goals.
Being informed is the key to success, so we will publish practical advice about employment; lifestyle and fashion tips for the young person who has just started working or is looking for a job; and even helpful information about starting or managing a small business.
We’re here for high school pupils; students enrolled at higher education and training institutions; graduates; unemployed youths; and small-business owners or entrepreneurs.
We will share practical information on internships, learnerships, bursaries, apprenticeships and small-business programmes and events organised by government departments and agencies, companies and corporate foundations.
You’ll also find features about the work lives of young people from different industries, to illustrate how they overcame obstacles in their own lives to pursue their dreams.
Here’s a taste of what’s available on SebenzaLIVE:
Our partner
SebenzaLIVE works closely with EvenMe, a nonprofit digital portal that offers innovative career support to the youth – including free online learning, links to jobs portals, motivational talks, career tips and advice, and even free downloads of Microsoft products to help with creating CVs or business plans.
Our readers can simply sign up at no cost on the EvenMe website to start using its fantastic range of tools. We will also publish regular updates about services available via EvenMe.
Want to contribute?
Calling all companies, NGOs, nonprofit organisations, government departments and more: if you’d like to contribute to SebenzaLIVE in some way, we’re happy to talk.
There are commercial opportunities (advertising and sponsorships, as well as native content) or you could share with us information that would be useful to publish on SebenzaLIVE. Depending on your goals, we will advise on the best way forward.
Please contact the SebenzaLIVE team on with any queries or comments about SebenzaLIVE.