How to turn opportunity or luck into your reality
It is very difficult for you to make things in your environment any easier, but it is really easy for you to begin taking the steps necessary to make yourself better. Begin taking steps, to improve yourself and everything in your environment will change for the better, I guarantee it.
Make sure that you have invested sufficient effort into acquiring the required skills, knowledge & expertise; so that when fortuitous situations do arise, you are able to identify them as an opportunity that you believe is within the realm of possibility for you. Then simply pull the trigger, take consistent and persistent action and turn opportunity or LUCK into your reality.
If knowledge or information was all that was required for success, then everyone with an internet connection would have all the success they could handle. There is a HUGE difference between “knowing what to do and doing what you know”. Knowledge or information is of no value until you convert it into informed activity in your life.
Make a decision today to convert some of the time you spend being mindlessly entertained into something of value. When you begin to invest some of this time into educating yourself, developing new skills or learning your craft you gain a huge advantage and equip yourself for unlimited success. Find out what you need to learn, what knowledge or skill will move you toward success and then go about the business of preparing for the opportunities that will come your way as you improve and grow
Stop allowing yourself to turn away in fear every time you are faced with a challenge, simply because you feel that you do not have all the skill and ability needed to succeed. Begin to create belief in you potential by committing to apply your energy daily, to improve your skills and knowledge thereby allow yourself to grow into your potential.
In this rapidly evolving and changing world – adapt to change – fit in with change – change how you do things – change the way you respond to challenges – change anything, but always stay true to your values. Your daily activities showcase what you do, it is your values and emotional responses that consistently guide you and show who you really are.
You need to commit to ongoing learning and strive to constantly feed your mind, improve your attitude and educate your philosophy. Can you imagine all you can achieve how many lives you can positively touch and the wonderful world we would inhabit if we all committed to follow this simply, disciplined strategy.
Commit to ongoing intellectual feasting and growth; develop an appetite for looking for new ideas and opportunities and you will live an extraordinary life of happiness and fulfillment.