Massive support for Caster Semenya after court decision

Support for Caster Semenya continues to race in after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on Wednesday sided with an IAAF ruling which forces female athletes to regulate testosterone levels.
Semenya said she was "pleased" the judges had admitted that the IAAF's regulations were "discriminatory against certain women", adding that the ruling had "actually made me stronger."
The hashtag used to stand in solidarity with Semenya, #HandsOffCaster, was again revived as thousands of people voiced their concern and outrage over the decision.
Semenya has 30 days to appeal the ruling. It will be heard by the Swiss Federal Tribunal.
The decision has been labelled by many as discriminatory and sexist. Here's a snapshot of the outrage on Twitter.
When an African woman starts winning them all, there'll always be those who try move the finish line. Will these crazy IAAF rules be applied to men too? I bet not. #CasterSemenya is my hero. ❤🐍
— Ulrich Janse van Vuuren (@UlrichJvV) May 1, 2019
Here is the press statement. #CAS has ruled in favour of the IAAF, and thus all DSD athletes from 400m to the mile, including #semenya must now reduce #testosterone levels to compete. You know when your Mac does that spinning beachball thing? That’s been me since hearing this...
— Ross Tucker (@Scienceofsport) May 1, 2019
Can someone balance me really quickly here!!!
— S A B E L O M Y E Z A (@SABELO_MYEZA) May 1, 2019
So its OK to take drugs to reduce your level of performance but not OK to take drugs to enhance your level of performance...#IAAF#CasterSemenya
this is sad day. i am heartbroken for caster semenya.
— GIFLord DanielléDASH (@DanielleDASH) May 1, 2019
the idea that she will be forced to take drugs to reduce the naturally occurring testosterone in her body to appease the likes of paula radcliffe is barbaric.
Hi @CyrilRamaphosa if you really want young black votes... Mr President yourself and your governement are going to have to show up tomorrow it’s this IAAF ruling. Our government can’t sit back when a women is asked to change the way she was born
— Mathapelo Khoza (@MathapeloKhoza) May 1, 2019