JONATHAN JANSEN | It’s time we asked the real, brutal questions about the tavern tragedy
We need to look beyond the basic facts of carbon monoxide fumes if we want to fix SA society in the long term
We still do not know what exactly killed 21, mainly teenagers, at the Enyobeni Tavern in Scenery Park, East London in the early hours of last Sunday morning. Yesterday there was speculation about carbon monoxide poisoning. Here is yet another case of incompetence writ large. Autopsy. Toxicology. Interviews. Corroboration. Simple methods to determine cause of death. We cannot even get that right. The Washington Post, writing from afar on June 27, seemed to know a lot more than our armies of journalists with fearsome reputations for investigatory journalism: “The working theory is that it was something that the teenagers ingested or inhaled.”..
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