That dog Sepp flies Kulula for free

21 June 2010 - 17:08
By Sapa

Sepp Blatter, the dog, has taken up an offer from low-cost airline Kulula to fly Sepp Blatter, the president of Fifa, around the country at no charge during the Soccer World Cup.

"Responding to an advert placed by the low fare airline in the Sunday Times, the dog's owners pointed out that the offer didn't specify which Sepp the ad referred to, so their pet was eligible to take advantage of the free flights," Kulula marketing manager Nadine Damen said in a statement.

"Sepp, the dog, changed his name specifically to take up the offer," she said.

Damen said Kulula made the offer to the world football body's president as a "conciliatory gesture towards the human Sepp following well publicised criticisms from Fifa of... Kulula".

"We really wanted to make a gesture to Sepp Blatter for putting on such a great show and to make up for our somewhat cheeky advertising telling people how reasonable our fares are."

Kulula got in trouble with Fifa in the run-up to the Soccer World Cup when it published an advert in which it said it was the "Unofficial National Carrier of the You-Know-What".

Fifa ordered Kulula to withdraw the advert, saying it was a breach of Fifa's trademark.

Damen said Kulula did not mind flying Sepp the dog, instead of Fifa's Blatter, around the country.

"We were somewhat surprised that instead of flying the president of Fifa around we'll now be giving a seat to a Boston Terrier, but he's really quite cute and very well-behaved, so why not," said Damen.

"Sepp (the dog) will be enjoying flights to Jo'burg and Durbs over the next few weeks. Having impressed Kulula with his sparkling personality and canine good looks, his trips will be covered on the Kulula facebook page."

Sepp, the dog, has his own facebook page ( ) and can be found on Twitter at