6 ways IT pros can broaden their skills to find the perfect job

22 May 2016 - 02:00 By Margaret Harris

Recent Stats SA data showing unemployment up 2.2 percentage points to 26.7% has emphasised how much harder it is - especially for younger people - to get a job. Wonga Ntshinga of the school of information and communication technology at the Independent Institute of Education, a private higher-education institution, says developing nontechnical skills can increase your chances of finding work."Communication is perhaps the most important skill a human possesses. Yet poor communication skills are often cited as a major workplace challenge for technical staff. When dealing with people, a logical approach will not always be effective."Ntshinga has the following advice:story_article_left1• Read prolifically. "Reading is essential - be it the daily newspapers or a variety of fiction and nonfiction," he says. Limiting themselves to technical reading leaves students with a limited view of life;• Learn about disciplines other than the ones you are studying. This "creates the opportunity to learn from others and participate in meaningful conversations not restricted to [your] own subject matter";• Learn another language. The ability to talk to and understand people from another culture will broaden your horizons, and look good on your CV;• Experience the business environment - don't just read about it;• Understand social media - its power, and your responsibility when going online, because "mistakes last forever"; and• Make sure you can tell right from wrong...

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