Call for nominations for National Forensic Oversight and Ethics Board
Qualified candidates wishing to serve as members of the DNA Board should submit their nominations to the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service by November 14
The Minister of Police has requested nominations of people to serve as members of the National Forensic Oversight and Ethics Board (also known as the DNA Board).
The board is established in terms of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act 2013. It is a statutory body mandated to provide regular oversight of the processes and systems related to the use of forensic DNA as a means of strengthening criminal investigations.
In terms of the act, the Police Minister is required to appoint the National Forensic Oversight and Ethics Board for a five-year term. Candidates wishing to serve as a member of the board must satisfy the requirements in terms of the act.
More details
Reference number: CSP/13/2024
Centre: Pretoria
Term of office: The successful nominees will be appointed for a period not exceeding five years on such terms and conditions as the Police Minister may determine.
Remuneration: The remuneration or payment of expenses for members of the board, who are not appointed in terms of the Public Service Act 1994, is determined by the Minister of Police in consultation with the Finance Minister.
Requirements and duties: Contact Tebogo Mabitsi on 012 493 1385/084 941 2527.
Submission of nominations:
The nomination of the proposed candidate must include a letter of motivation for the nomination, a signed confirmation that the candidate meets all the statutory requirements for appointment, and the candidate's detailed curriculum vitae with supporting documents.
Nominations, marked for the attention of Tebogo Mabitsi, must be submitted in writing to the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service via:
- Post: Private Bag X922, Pretoria, 0001
- Hand delivery: Fedsure Forum Building, 2nd Floor, 268 Lilian Ngoyi Street, Pretoria
- Email:
The closing date is November 15 2024.
Enquires: Contact Tebogo Mabitsi on 012 493 1385/084 941 2527.
This article was sponsored by the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service.