Pick n Pay is world's top retailer

01 September 2009 - 20:55

SOUTH African retailer Pick n Pay has been voted the world's best retailer.

Pick n Pay chief executive Nick Badminton accepted the award yesterday at the US-based National Retail Federation's annual convention in New York.

The award, given to a retail firm that has achieved an international reputation for excellence and distinguished service to the retail industry, comes halfway through Pick n Pay's 24-month, R110-million brand makeover.

The award involves selection by global industry leaders.

Badminton said he was thrilled to receive the award on Pick n Pay's behalf.

"The NRF wrote to us last year saying we had been selected.

"It came out of the blue, but it is nice to be recognised internationally," he said.

"This award is an acknowledgement of an incredibly supportive board, management team and thousands of exceptional employees."

Badminton said the "state of the world economy" was reflected on New York shop windows, with signs announcing huge discounts.

"Pick n Pay is making a difference to building black business ownership by converting to black-owned stores. In a few years this will go down as one of the big things we have done in South Africa."

The NRF is the world's largest retail trade association, with membership from all retail formats and channels of distribution.

It represents more than 100 state, national and international retail organisations.

The NRF's annual convention and expo brings together 18500 of the world's retail executives and vendors from more than 50 countries.