Star in a car: Vuyelwa Booi

28 July 2010 - 01:16
By Andrea Nagel

Gets strange looks from other motorists when she puts on a private concert in her car

What do you drive?

A Toyota Rav4.

What does your odometer read?

About 120000km.

What do you like about your car?

It's bigger than the cars I've had before. I like big cars. I also like the 4x4 feel and being higher than the smaller cars on the road.

What is your ultimate car, if budget was no issue?

Mercedes Benz C 63 AMG.

What's the fastest you have ever driven?

About 180km/h.

What is your worst thing you have ever done when driving or just in your car?

Nothing really. I'm boring like that. I don't even put on make-up in the car like some women.

Do you consider yourself a good driver?


What was your first car?

A Mazda Sting 130.

What's the furthest you've driven without stopping?

I think it was to Polokwane, which was a four-hour drive.

What's playing on your CD shuttle?

The 30 Amazing Gospel Hits 2008 compilation.

Do you sing along in your car when you are by yourself?

I perform when I'm in my car - my own private concert. And I get some pretty strange looks from people driving past.

Would you drive a hybrid if they were more easily available in SA?


Do you try to reduce your contribution to global warming?

Honestly speaking, I could probably do more but I do try - definitely.

Have you ever got out of a fine? How?

I rarely get stopped and when I am, the traffic cops find I haven't done anything wrong. So, no, I haven't.

What gives you road rage?

People who cut in front of me and then drive very slowly. I don't like it when people stop suddenly or don't look where they're going.

If you were to customise your licence plate, what would it say?

Probably my name or something related to the car.

What is the coolest car in a movie?

Michael Knight's car, Kitt, in Knight Rider.

If you could have a car accessory or if you could invent one, what would it be?

A mobile office that operates on voice command. That way I could send e-mails and do other things while I am driving.